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Click below to download a copy of the Participant Handbook.
CULTURAL AND RELIGIOUS CONSIDERATIONSIf your child or family has any cultural or religious considerations to be taken into account when they attend a program, please inform the Program Manager at your earliest convenience. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to provide ideas and help select materials for the provision of culturally relevant experiences.
BUSHFIRE PREPAREDNESS INFORMATION & PROCEDURESSchool procedures for the Bushfire Season: Fire danger ratings and warnings are used in Victoria to provide clear direction on the safest options for preserving life. Schools and children’s services listed on the DET Bushfire At-Risk Register (BARR) will be closed when a CATASTROPHIC or EXREME fire danger rating day is determined in their Bureau of Meteorology district. Our school has been identified as being one of those at high bushfire risk and is listed on the BARR. Our school will close on days of declared Catastrophic fire danger rating and when fire danger conditions in the Local Government Area are Extreme. Where possible, we will provide parents with up to four days’ notice of a potential Code Red or Extreme day closure by letter and SMS message. A Catastrophic or Extreme day will be determined by the Emergency Management Commissioner no later than 1.00 pm the day before the potential closure. Once we are advised of the confirmation of the Catastrophic day we will provide you with advice before the end of the school day. Once confirmed, the decision to close will not change, regardless of improvements in the weather forecast. This is to avoid confusion and help your family plan alternative care arrangements for your child. It is also important to note that: No staff will be on site on days where the school is closed due to a forecast Catastrophic or Extreme day. Out-of-school-hours care will also be cancelled on these days School camps will be cancelled if a Catastrophic or Extreme fire danger rating day is determined for the Bureau of Meteorology district in which the camp is located. All bus routes will be cancelled. Depending on which Bureau of Meteorology district is impacted bus route cancellations may affect our school. On these Catastrophic and Extreme days families are encouraged to enact their Bushfire Survival Plan – on such days children should never be left at home or in the care of older children. For those of us living in a bushfire prone area, the Country Fire Authority (CFA) advises that when Catastrophic days are forecast, the safest option is to leave the night before or early on the morning of the Catastrophic day. As part of preparing our school for potential hazards such as fire, we have updated and completed our Emergency Management Plan prioritised any maintenance works that may assist in preparing for the threat of fire and cleared our facility’s grounds and gutters. What can parents do? Make sure your family’s bushfire survival plan is up-to-date and includes alternative care arrangements in the event that our school is closed. Ensure we have your current contact details, including your mobile phone numbers. Keep in touch with us by reading our newsletters, and by talking to your child’s teacher or any other member of the teaching staff about our emergency management plan. Most importantly at this time of year, if you’re planning a holiday or short stay in the bush or in a coastal area, you should check warnings in advance of travel and remain vigilant during your stay. If your child is old enough, talk to them about bushfires and your family’s bushfire survival plan. You can access more information about children’s services closures on the Department of Education and Training Website. Multiple sources that offer information on emergencies are listed below: VicEmergency App – that can be downloaded on your android and iOS mobile devices VicEmergency Hotline (1800 226 226) Website Facebook ( Twitter ( ABC local radio, Sky News and other emergency broadcasters
LOCATIONThe program operates from the Yarra Ranges Special Developmental School (18-20 Burdap Drive, Mount Evelyn, Victoria, 3796) The school is adjacent to Morrison Reserve, which is shared with Yarra Hills Secondary College and Fernhill Pre-School. The school is situated on 3.2 hectares of land with purpose-designed buildings, a hydrotherapy pool, fitness areas, attractive outdoor spaces and recreation areas. Entry is via the car park on Burdap Drive.
DAILY STAFFING AND SUPPORT COSTSDaily individual staffing and support costs are covered by a participant’s NDIS Plan, details of which are outlined and agreed to in a Schedule of Supports and a Service Agreement between the participant and YRSDS OSH Program. Invoices for staffing/support costs for the Holiday Program will be submitted to your nominated person/organisation for payment within 28 days of the finish of each quarterly program. Invoices for the Afternoon Club are submitted to your nominated person fortnightly for payment within 28 days of issue.
OUT OF POCKET EXPENSESDaily activities may attract additional out-of-pocket expenses that are not included as part of a participant’s NDIS funded supports. Examples include entrance fees, event tickets, meals, and program or activity specific costs etc. You will be advised of this with the online program booking form and program information that is provided to families/caregivers approximately six weeks prior to any upcoming school holiday period. These expenses are payable to the YRSDS OSH Program on the day of attendance.
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENTAn Emergency and Critical Incident Management Plan (EMP) is developed by Yarra Ranges Special Developmental school and the YRSDS OSH Program to provide a detailed plan of how the YRSDS OSH Program will prepare and respond to emergencies and critical incidents that may impact on participant and/or staff health, safety and well-being and/or program operations. This Emergency and Critical Incident Management Plan (EMP) applies to all staff, participants, visitors, contractors and volunteers at Yarra Ranges SDS OSH Program. The aims of this Emergency and Critical Incident Management Plan and of our Emergency Management Policy are to; · Minimize the impact of an emergency situation on participants and staff. · Establish guidelines (plans) to aid staff in managing an emergency. · Ensure that current relevant information is made available to staff. · Establish post incident/emergency procedures aimed at lessening the impact on participants, staff and their families The Emergency Management Plan includes processes and procedures to manage the following situations: · On-site evacuation/relocation · Off-site evacuation · Lock-down · Lock-out procedure · Shelter-in-place procedure · Intruder(s) · Bomb/substance threat · Severe weather event · Influenza pandemic · Loss of essential services · Severe storms · Pandemics and communicable diseases · School Bus incident · Off-site emergencies · Building fire · Intruder / Personal Threat · Missing person - school or school camp/excursion · Traumatic Death/Injury/Grief · Child Abuse · Business Continuity A copy of Emergency Management Policy can be found below. Hard copies are available upon request. The full Emergency and Critical Incident Management Plan (EMP) for 2023 - 2024 can also be viewed, in person, upon request.
POLICIES AND PROCEDURESThe YRSDS OSH Program is governed by the Department of Education & Training, and National Disability Insurance Scheme standards, policies and procedures. You can view the Yarra Ranges Special Developmental School Policies here. You can also view the YRSDS OSH Program... access policy complaints resolution policy arrival and departure policy administration of medication policy incident reporting policy & procedure
INTAKE AND ASSESSMENTA formal intake and assessment procedure is undertaken in order to determine eligibility, priority of access and to determine support requirements. When enquiries regarding the YRSDS OSH Program are received, the manager undertakes an intake process. This involves briefly outlining the eligibility and priority of access criteria and asking questions regarding the individual’s required level of support. If the individual appears to be eligible, a link to an enrolment form is provided to them. If further assessment or a Behaviour Support Plan is required we can advise you about this process (See Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support Plans below). A meeting can be arranged at the school with the applicant, their nominated representative (parent-caregiver), and the Program Manager. A nominated advocate may also be in attendance or an advocacy service can be sought (see Advocacy). Detailed information is sourced via the Online Enrolment Form and discussions with the parent or caregivers. Information may also be obtained from other services that the applicant accesses, as well as their school (with documented permission).
ELIGIBILITY AND PRIORITY OF ACCESSCriteria for access and enrolment into the YRSDS OSH Program includes the following - The service user must: Be an NDIS participant with a current plan Have a disability as defined by the Disability Act 2006 Be between the ages of six and eighteen years and attending school Priority of access will include: Families experiencing significant stress Families with working parent(s) Families whose parents are deemed "Essential Workers". Families with little or no access to other respite/school holiday programs Participants whose health and safety would be affected if services were disrupted. Individuals who meet the access criteria are eligible to request the service. Eligibility does not confer entitlement to access the Program. Access may not be granted as other people may have been assessed as being a higher priority because of limited resources (demand exceeds supply). Any new enquiries who meet the eligibility criteria for the Program will be offered enrolment if there is a vacancy or they will be placed on the waiting list and notified when a vacancy becomes available. Intake is based on a number of factors including: priority of access criteria, support requirements of participants; assessed needs of participants; group dynamic and available staffing resources. Please note that YRSDS OSH Program is a group based service. As such, we are only able to offer 1:1 support in limited circumstances. Please view our Access Policy Here
PROVIDING FEEDBACKParents, carers and participants can provide feedback via an anonymous survey via our website. Parents, participants and caregivers also have the opportunity to voice their opinions and participate in annual and three yearly recertification audits. The views of service users are important and indicate how well the YRSDS OSH Program is meeting the needs of the participants and their families. In addition the YRSDS OSH Program Manager can be contacted on 97362499.
PROGRAM INFORMATION MAIL OUT AND TIMELINESProgram information is forwarded to all eligible participants approximately six weeks prior to the upcoming school holiday period. To be eligible you must have an ongoing Service Agreement in place and a current Schedule of Supports. The following is a guide to the information sharing and the booking process; 6 weeks prior to program commencement: Program information and link to booking form is forwarded to all eligible participants. 4 weeks prior to program commencement: Participant requests and booking forms due back. 2 weeks prior to program commencement: Confirmation of allocated dates and approximate support costs (including daily out-of-pocket expenses) forwarded to participants. Within 28 days of program finishing: Invoice for services provided is submitted to nominated person/organisation for payment.
ALLOCATION OF PLACESAllocation of places is based on a number of factors including: priority of access criteria, nature of the activity; support requirements of participants; assessed needs of participants; group dynamic and available staffing resources. Please note that YRSDS OSH Program is a group based service. As such, we are only able to offer 1:1 support in limited circumstances.
MEDICATIONProgram staff are permitted to assist individuals with medication in certain circumstances. The YRSDS OSH Program has detailed medication guidelines which are available on request. If your child requires administration of any form of medication when attending the Program, please ensure you complete the details on the initial Enrolment Form. Please note that only medications prescribed by a medical practitioner will be administered during a program. Failure to comply with the Program’s medication guidelines and procedures will mean that medication cannot be given and parents/caregivers will be called to administer the medication at the given time or refusal to the program may apply. Legislative requirements mean that YRSDS OSH Program must report on the usage of certain medications to the Office of Professional Practice and the NDIS Commission. If your child requires administration of a medication when attending the program that is classed as a chemical restraint, an approved Behaviour Support Plan (BSP) must be in place prior to commencement on the YRSDS OSH Program. We can provide information to you on the development of a Behaviour Support Plan or interim Behaviour Support Plan (see Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support Plans). If you require assistance or more information on the classification of chemicals and medications, please contact the Program Manager who will discuss this in detail. Or for further information contact The Office of Professional Practice on (03) 9096 8427 or email:
HEALTH SUPPORTParents or caregivers of individuals who live with epilepsy, asthma, anaphylaxis or other health or medical conditions are requested to provide an up-to-date Emergency Health Management Plan or (where relevant) complete a Health Support Plan provided by YRSDS OSH Program and this will be carried with the individual or program staff at all times when they attend the Program. All Emergency Health Management Plans and Health Support Plans must be reviewed and updated every 12 months or as needed.
INFORMATION COLLECTION AND STORAGEAll information collected from participations is confidential and will be kept in accordance with our privacy statement. WHY IS THIS INFORMATION BEING COLLECTED? Confidential documents may ask for personal information about your child and family. The purpose for collecting information via the Enrolment Form is so that appropriate staffing levels and resources are provided for your child’s care and support needs. We require information about parents, guardians or carers so that we can take account of family arrangements. Family Court Orders setting out any access restrictions and parenting plans should be made available to us. Do not hesitate to contact the school Principal if you would like to discuss, in strict confidence, any matters relating to family arrangements. Participants have the right to access their personal file/record except where such access is prohibited by law, this includes the right to correct your information, and/or withdraw or amend prior given consent. (See Participant Rights). FOR CHILDREN ATTENDING A SCHOOL OTHER THAN YARRA RANGES SDS The Program Manager will seek to obtain information from a child’s teacher to assist in the best service delivery for that child whilst attending the Program (e.g. communication/behaviour support strategies, information related to personal care/mealtime assistance, health and wellbeing supports). This information will only be sought with the signed consent of the child’s primary carer. UPDATING YOUR CHILD’S RECORDS It is the responsibility of the child’s primary carer to inform us if any supplied information needs to be changed by sending updated information to the Program Manager as soon as applicable. ACCESS TO YOUR CHILD’S RECORDS In most circumstances you can access your child’s records. Please contact the School Principal to arrange this. Sometimes access to certain information, such as information provided by someone else, may require a Freedom of Information request. We will advise you if this is required and tell you how you can do this. USE, DISCLOSURE, PROTECTION AND DISPOSAL OF PERSONAL INFORMATION The information collected about your child, family, guardian and/or carers: Will only be used for the purposes outlined above. Will be stored in the original paper format in a secure environment by this service and will be kept for a minimum of 7 years from the date of your last visit after which it will be disposed of in a way that safeguards your privacy. Will only be accessible by the School Principal or authorised representative. This organisation certifies that its practices and systems for the collection, use, disclosure, protection and disposal of personal information and health information are compliant with the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth), Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (VIC) and the Health Records Act 2001 and any applicable code of practice as required under the NDIA Standards and Regulations. A copy of the school’s Privacy Policy may be obtained on request. If you have any concerns about the confidentiality of this information, please contact the School Principal. Related Resources or Policies:
COMPLAINTS INFORMATION AND GUIDELINESYarra Ranges SDS is committed to good communication and treating everyone with dignity and respect. The School has developed this information to improve communication for us all when addressing concerns or making a complaint that is related to the school’s out-of-school-hours programs. Do you have any questions about the programs or something you would like to discuss? We are happy to talk to you. Your views and suggestions are important to us. Remember, programs work best when there is a partnership between you and program organisers. You may be supported at any meeting by a friend, colleague or a representative from an advocacy or support organisation. The following local organisation offers information or assistance: Youth Disability Advocacy Service (YDAS) – a service of the Youth Affairs Council of Victoria (YACVic) and is funded by the State Government on 1300 727 176. Assistance can also be sought via the Office of the Public Advocate’s advice service on 1300 309 337. Parents, caregivers, participants and staff members have a number of rights including the right to obtain copies of policies and procedures. Our complaints resolution policy can be found here
RAISING AN ISSUE OR COMPLAINTThere will be no retribution to a person who makes a complaint – we welcome all feedback. Parents, caregivers, participants and staff members are strongly encouraged to contact the Program Manager in the first instance on all matters involving the program. Step 1 Identify your topic or issue. Making notes is a good idea as it ensures that you cover all points. Think about the resolution you would like to see as an outcome. Step 2 Contact the school and speak to the Program Manager. They will discuss an appropriate way forward with you. This may include organising a meeting for a mutually convenient time. Step 3 Meet with the Program Manager Step 4 Contact the School Principal / Approved Program Officer (APO) if the matter is unresolved. Step 5 If the matter is unresolved at the school level: Parents, carers and participants can address complaints to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission on 1800 035 544 or visit their website or contact the Disability Services Commissioner on 1800 677 342 or visit their website for more information. Staff members can address complaints to Victorian Public Sector Commission, the Merit Protection Boards, the Victorian Institute of Teaching, the Ombudsman’s Office, the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission or the Human Rights Commission. The nature of the complaint will determine which organisation may be appropriate.
WHERE CAN I ACCESS THE COMPLAINTS FORM OR FURTHER INFORMATION?You can access the complaints form provided by the NDIS website here
ADVOCASYYou may be supported at any meeting by a friend, colleague or a representative from an advocacy or support organisation. The following local organisation offers information or assistance: youth disability advocacy service (YDAS) – a service of the youth affairs council of Victoria (YACVIC) and is funded by the state government (1300 727 176). Assistance can also be sought via the office of the public advocate’s advice service (1300 309 337). YRSDS can assist participants to access an advocate if required or requested. A participant may use an advocate: · During the assessment and planning as well as review process. · In the event that an incident including violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation, or discrimination occurs. · To provide feedback or make a complaint. · For any communication between the participant and YRSDS OSH Program. Parents, caregivers, participants and staff members have a number of rights including the right to obtain copies of policies and procedures. Our complaints resolution policy can be found on our website at with hard copies available upon request.
PARTICIPANT AND HUMAN RIGHTSNDIS participants have the right to be safe and to receive quality services from the providers and workers they choose to support them under the NDIS. The NDIS Commission aims to uphold the rights of people with disability, including the right to dignity and respect, and to live free from abuse, exploitation, and violence. This is in keeping with Australia’s commitment to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Participant has the following rights to: · Access the service irrespective of gender, indigenous or ethnic culture, ability, socio- economic circumstance, or religious and political affiliation. This includes the use of interpreter services where required and to have cultural and religious needs met wherever possible and practicable. · Be treated in a professional, courteous, and caring manner with the choices, aspirations and range and type of activities supported as far as possible · Be provided with a safe environment while you attend the service · Refuse any referrals suggested by Yarra Ranges SDS staff to other services · Expect that your privacy will be respected and confidentiality protected to the greatest extent permitted by law in line with Australian privacy principles and legislation. · Be supported at any meeting by a friend, colleague or a representative from an advocacy or support organisation. · Have access to your personal file/record except where such access is prohibited by law · Provide feedback to staff in a respectful manner and request another staff member if unhappy with the service. You have the Right to access supports that: · Promote, uphold, and respect your legal and human rights. · Respect your culture, diversity, values, and beliefs. · Respect and protect your dignity and right to privacy. · Are free from violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation, or discrimination. The NDIS Code of Conduct helps providers and workers respect and uphold your right to safe and quality supports and services. For further information, including an easy read guide to the NDIS Code of Conduct please visit The Charter of Human Rights enshrines civil, political and cultural rights into Victorian law. Public authorities must observe those rights. New policies and legislation must also take into account human rights, and public authorities – for example, people working for the government – must also observe human rights so that members of the community are not treated unfairly. For further information regarding the Charter of Human Rights please visit , hard copies are available in the OSH Office.
RESTRICTIVE PRACTICES AND BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT PLANSFor the purpose of the following information – YRSDS OSH Program is an ‘implementing provider’. What is a restrictive practice? Restrictive practice means any practice or intervention that has the effect of restricting the rights or freedom of movement of a person with disability. Under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018 certain restrictive practices are subject to regulation. These include seclusion, chemical restraint, mechanical restraint, physical restraint and environmental restraint. Seclusion Seclusion is the sole confinement of a person with disability in a room or a physical space at any hour of the day or night where voluntary exit is prevented, or not facilitated, or it is implied that voluntary exit is not permitted; Chemical restraint Chemical restraint is the use of medication or chemical substance for the primary purpose of influencing a person’s behaviour. It does not include the use of medication prescribed by a medical practitioner for the treatment of, or to enable treatment of, a diagnosed mental disorder, a physical illness or a physical condition; Mechanical restraint Mechanical restraint is the use of a device to prevent, restrict, or subdue a person’s movement for the primary purpose of influencing a person’s behaviour but does not include the use of devices for therapeutic or non-behavioural purposes; Physical restraint Physical restraint is the use or action of physical force to prevent, restrict or subdue movement of a person’s body, or part of their body, for the primary purpose of influencing their behaviour. Physical restraint does not include the use of a hands-on technique in a reflexive way to guide or redirect a person away from potential harm/injury, consistent with what could reasonably be considered as the exercise of care towards a person. Environmental restraint Environmental restraint restricts a person’s free access to all parts of their environment, including items or activities.
WHAT IS AN IMPLEMENTING PROVIDER?An implementing provider is any NDIS service provider that uses a regulated restrictive practice in the course of delivering NDIS supports to a participant. Under the NDIS Commission, registered providers who use restrictive practices are required to comply with the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework, which is underpinned by the same high-level guiding principles, including human rights and a person-centred approach as the national framework. Implementing providers are required to: Be registered with the NDIS Commission for the type of support they are providing. They do not need to be registered specifically for behaviour support registration group 110 Submit monthly reports to the NDIS Commission on the use of restrictive practices Ensure staff are appropriately trained to implement positive behaviour strategies or use restrictive practices Notify the NDIS Commission in the event of any unplanned or unapproved use of a restrictive practice through the reportable incident process Help staff, NDIS participants, their families, and other decision-makers to understand the NDIS Commission’s behaviour support function.
WHAT IS A SPECIALIST BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT PRACTITIONER?A specialist behaviour support practitioner is a person who is Registered and Certified by the Quality and Safeguarding Commission. Registration enables a specialist behaviour support practitioner to develop a comprehensive Behaviour Support Plan (BSP) for the use of regulated restrictive practices. Regulated restrictive practices must only be used in accordance with a participant’s BSP. The practitioner is also the only person that can review a BSP.
WHAT IF AN NDIS PARTICIPANT NEEDS A RESTRICTIVE PRACTICE TO KEEP THEMSELVES AND/OR OTHERS SAFE?Where an NDIS participant’s behaviours of concern place themselves or others at risk of harm, and subsequently a regulated restrictive practice is required, a BSP must be developed by a registered NDIS specialist behaviour support practitioner and lodged with the NDIS Commission. Where there is no BSP in place, the implementing provider must take reasonable steps to facilitate the development of an interim BSP when it becomes apparent that a participant they are working with has complex behaviour support needs or that a restrictive practice may be necessary to prevent harm. This must be done within 1 month of a restrictive practice being used or proposed. A comprehensive BSP developed by a specialist behaviour support practitioner will be required within 6 months. The Rules outline the requirements for developing behaviour support plans containing regulated restrictive practices. All providers using regulated restrictive practices when delivering NDIS supports are required to meet conditions of registration. The conditions include: A restrictive practice can only be used when it is part of a behaviour support plan developed by an NDIS behaviour support practitioner If a restrictive practice is used it must: Be the least restrictive response possible in the circumstances Reduce the risk of harm to the person or others Be used for the shortest possible time to ensure the safety of the person or others Where required, the implementing provider must obtain authorisation for the use of a restrictive practice from the state or territory The implementing provider must comply with monthly reporting requirements to the NDIS Commission
IMPLEMENTATION OF BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT PLANSIn line with the NDIS (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018 (Behaviour Support Rules), YRSDS OSH Program aims to take all reasonable steps to help facilitate the development of behaviour support plans that cover the use of restrictive practices. YRSDS OSH Program endeavours to contributing to successful plan development directly by: working with the participant and/or their representatives as well as their support coordinator to expediently engage a specialist behaviour support provider/NDIS behaviour support practitioner to develop the behaviour support plan; encouraging specialist behaviour support providers to meet the regulated deadlines for their development of interim and comprehensive plans; having ongoing and regular engagement with the participant, support coordinator, practitioner, direct service staff, mainstream service providers and other NDIS providers to inform the development of the behaviour support plan; having ongoing and regular engagement with the participant and/or their representatives to seek an NDIS plan review with the NDIA to obtain further funding for development of a behaviour support plan, if appropriate; making direct contributions to the development of the behaviour support plan and undertaking of associated assessments; making sure staff with the necessary skills are available to collaborate with the behaviour support provider/practitioner to develop the behaviour support plan. If YRSDS OSH Program are the lead agency for a participant then YRSDS OSH Program aims to assist the coordination of the plan’s development by: supporting the behaviour support provider/practitioner to gather information and data for behaviour support assessments; undertaking advanced planning for authorisation of the behaviour support plan (if it requires authorisation) and following-up with the authorisation agency to ensure timely authorisation of the plan; engaging and communicating regularly with authorising bodies to secure decisions within regulated deadlines, working with Local Area Coordinators, the NDIA or the NDIS Commission to gain assistance when barriers to development of a behaviour support plan are not able to be addressed; enabling contributions from mainstream service providers in the development of an interim plan and/or comprehensive plan; actively and regularly monitoring the progress of the development of the behaviour support plan; actively and regularly following-up with the behaviour support provider/practitioner and the authorising body to ensure timely completion, submission and authorisation of the plan.
MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND SERVICE DELIVERYYRSDS OSH Program has an acknowledged commitment to continual improvement and self-evaluation in relation to management practices and service delivery. Throughout the year parents and caregivers are invited to complete a confidential survey about the services we provide at this link. Parents and caregivers also have the opportunity to voice their opinions and participate in annual and 3 yearly recertification audits. The views of service users are important and indicate how well the YRSDS OSH Program is meeting the needs of the participants and their families. The YRSDS OSH Program demonstrates the capacity to comply with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission – NDIS Practice Standards and regulations. The Program delivers services in line with the Disability Act 2006 and undertakes an independent three yearly Certification Audit to obtain accreditation under the NDIS Practice Standards. For more information on the standards please refer to the following link:
COVID SAFE PLANThe COVID-19 Safety Management Plan (COVIDSafe Plan) July 2021 can be accessed here and should be read together with the School Operations Guide. Please note this plan also applies to the YRSDS Out of School Hours Program.
STATEMENT OF VALUESDownload a Copy of the YRSDS Statement of Values below:
RESPECT FOR STAFFStaff at YRSDS OSH Program, including Program Managers, support staff, office staff, and school Principal (APO) are committed to providing a supportive and engaging environment for all our participants. Our staff take their work very seriously and feel privileged to be able to play an important role in providing support to each participant. All staff at YRSDS OSH Program have a right to a safe and supportive work environment. YRSDS OSH Program expects that all parents/carers and visitors to our program behave in an appropriate and respectful manner to all staff at all times. There will be a zero-tolerance approach to any aggression, intimidation, threats or harassment of school staff, by any means (e.g. in person, by phone, by email, on social media etc). These behaviours may lead to exclusion from the grounds and OSH Program activities and be seen as a breach to the terms and conditions of the Service Agreement, leading to the agreement being terminated. The Program Manager or The Principal (APO) may report aggressive, intimidating, threatening or otherwise inappropriate conduct to Victoria Police. The Department of Education and Training may also take legal or other appropriate action against community members or parents/carers who pose a threat to the safety and wellbeing of staff. YRSDS OSH Program expects all members of our community to act consistently with our Statement of Values. We are committed to ensuring that staff, parents/carers and participants are able to work together in an appropriate and respectful way.
SHORT NOTICE CANCELLATIONAs stated in ‘NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits,’ where a provider has a Short Notice Cancellation (or no show), they are able to claim 100% of the agreed fee associated with the activity from the participant’s plan. A cancellation is a short notice cancellation if the participant: does not show up for a scheduled support within a reasonable time; or has given less than two (2) clear business days’ notice YRSDS OSH Program will claim for a Short Notice Cancellation if: the Participant fails to attend a scheduled service booking and a minimum notice of 24 hours is not provided (where practicable). If the program is unable to find alternative billable work for the relevant worker, and are required to pay the worker for the time that would have been spent providing the support. The Short Notice Cancellation fee will be equivalent to 100% of the staffing costs associated with the activity and any additional costs that are incurred by the provider as a result of the late notice of cancellation (as detailed in the Additional Expenses Statement). You will not be charged for any service cancelled by Yarra Ranges SDS.
NDIS CODE OF CONDUCTThe NDIS Code of Conduct applies to all NDIS providers, registered and unregistered, and all persons employed or otherwise engaged by an NDIS provider. A copy can be found here.
CHILD CARE SUBSIDYThe Child Care subsidy can only be used for Centre Based Day Care, traditional school-based Outside School Hours Care – before, after and vacation care and Family Day Care. YRSDS OSH Program is an Afternoon Club and Holiday Program, incorporating both social and recreational activities and are not eligible for the child-care subsidy. YRSDS OSH Program do not employ Child Care Workers. Specialist Disability Support Staff are employed to deliver a variety of engaging centre-based and community-based activities. All participants are provided with the opportunity and support to make choices, develop skills and have direct input in to what they would like to do for their recreational activities. Independence and friendships are encouraged and supported in a fun and safe environment. Participants are actively supported to address or progress toward identified personal goals.
WEBSITE ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENTAccessibility Statement for YRSDS OSH Program This is an accessibility statement from YRSDS OSH Program. Measures to support accessibility YRSDS OSH Program takes the following measures to ensure accessibility of YRSDS OSH Program: Include accessibility throughout our internal policies. Integrate accessibility into our procurement practices. Provide continual accessibility training for our staff. Assign clear accessibility goals and responsibilities. Employ formal accessibility quality assurance methods. Conformance status The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) defines requirements for designers and developers to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. YRSDS OSH Program is partially conformant with WCAG 2.1 level AA. Partially conformant means that some parts of the content do not fully conform to the accessibility standard. Feedback We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of YRSDS OSH Program. Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers on YRSDS OSH Program: Phone: 0397362499 E-mail: Visitor Address: 18-20 Burdap Drive Postal Address: PO BOX 19 Mount Evelyn, 3796 We try to respond to feedback within 3 business days. Technical specifications Accessibility of YRSDS OSH Program relies on the following technologies to work with the particular combination of web browser and any assistive technologies or plugins installed on your computer: HTML CSS These technologies are relied upon for conformance with the accessibility standards used. Assessment approach YRSDS OSH Program assessed the accessibility of YRSDS OSH Program by the following approaches: Self-evaluation Date This statement was created on 14/05/2021 using the W3C Accessibility Statement Generator Tool.
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